

What is Coaching

Coaching is a process that helps you back yourself and take meaningful steps towards the things you most want from your life. It helps you identify your goals and strengths and make plans you can commit to. It accelerates you towards knowing yourself better and building the motivation to act.

  • Coaching is future-focused.
  • Coaching can apply to any industry, any level of experience and any interest, as we work to help you uncover your answers.
  • Coaching is NOT mentoring, counselling or talking therapy.
  • Coaching DOES NOT help you process the past.

For Companies

Want to improve employee retention, engagement, well-being and motivation?

We offer off-the-shelf and customised solutions built around coaching, and embedding a coaching mindset, to empower you and your staff.

Coaching shows employees that you value them and demonstrates trust in a way that typical training and development sometimes cannot.

Core Options

1:1 Coaching: Bring us in to support individuals through a key transition, for example into a leadership role, or through a company or department restructure.

Group Coaching: Bring a team together to work through a specific topic or issue.

Block Coaching: Buy a block of coaching hours to distribute to your team as a training benefit. This option brings down the cost per employee and makes coaching more equitable and affordable for more of your staff.

For Individuals

Step closer to your purpose with your very own coach.

Coaching uncovers your goals and addresses head-on the things holding you back from achieving them. It is a future-facing activity, different to counselling or talking therapy. Instead of processing the past, a coach helps you to prepare for the future you want.

It can be challenging at times to look honestly at yourself, but the rewards are only yours to gain, and our skill as your coach is to ask the right questions to empower you to remove obstacles and move forward.

Coaching is an investment in yourself and can help support a transition in your life, help you set ambitious goals, or support you in finding the motivation to act.

The drive and direction come from you, the coach simply reflects back and probes with their questioning to help you define goals more clearly, design a plan, and commit to that first action.

Find your purpose

Rediscover your confidence

Learn to trust yourself

Reconnect with your core motivation

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